Learning Portal

A collection of e-modules, learning opportunities & upcoming training events for carers as well as the workforce who support them.

You can get a nationally recognised qualification based on any of the learning you do on this page.
Find out more about Accreditation.

Carers of Dundee E-modules

We have created a number of e-modules that aim to provide information to carers and the workforce, on topics such as:

  • How to recognise a carer
  • Carers rights
  • How to support carers
  • Health & Wellbeing

Explore what we have to offer below and complete an e-module today.

Current Opportunities

Flexible Learning for Carers

Dundee Carers Centre has funding to offer flexible learning to help carers aged 16 and over gain skills, boost their CVs and get into work or education. Find out more

Dundee Green Health Partnership

DVAA and Green Health Partnership run a range of outdoor and online activities to help you connect with others, improve your fitness and get into nature. They include craft sessions, antenatal and family walks, cycling, gardening, yoga and much more. Find out more

Financial Capability Webinars

Money Advice Scotland run regular webinars on a variety of topics to help you manage financially. Find out more

Harm Reduction Training

Scottish Drugs Forum offer regular online training sessions on harm reduction and support for people who use drugs. There are also e-learning you can do in your own time. Find out more

Age Scotland Workshops

Age Scotland run regular online training sessions on topics including Dementia Awareness, Benefits, Health and Wellbeing and Energy. Find out more

More Resources

For further learning opportunities, we have collated external learning and training that is available to take online, plus vocational training that can benefit future employment.

Upcoming Learning Sessions

What's missing?

The learning portal has been created based on requests and suggestions from the carers and workforce members we work alongside. If you have ideas about what should be promoted on here, or you notice anything is incorrect, please get in touch by contacting Ellie:  [email protected]