Multi-Agency Toolkit

The Toolkit contains Multi-Agency Guidance and information relating to implementing the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 in Dundee.

This resource has been developed through Dundee Carers Partnership in response to requests from the workforce for easy to access information to allow them to support carers in Dundee.

This resource will assist practitioners working with carers in the city and will support the delivery of the local Strategic Plan ‘A Caring Dundee 2017-2020’ across all our local communities.

workforce outcomes

As well offering information for practitioners to have a better understanding of the rights of carers of all ages and the legal duties contained within the Carers (Scotland) Act the toolkit provides information on identifying, supporting and involving carers in the planning of services and supports.

The toolkit contains links to legislation, factsheets and other useful resources to signpost professionals to key information to support their work with carers.

Dundee HSCP Locality Manager, Chair of Dundee Carers Partnership, Alexis Chappell, said:

This toolkit makes information about supporting carers accessible to everyone who needs it. The style and format make it a “go-to” resource for a range of professionals working across Dundee city.

Click here for the full toolkit.