
Sign up to our newsletter and receive our latest news straight into your inbox!

Your personal data

Carers of Dundee needs to hold a copy of your personal data so we can send you our e-newsletter, which we send out no more frequently than monthly.

Our electronic newsletter is sent via MailChimp. Your (name and email address) will be sent to Mailchimp so we can send you the e-newsletter.

Data storage

This data will be held on Mailchimp’s server and our database until you no longer wish to receive it.


Past Newsletters

You can read some of our most recent previous e-newsletters here.

  • Month, 2019
  • Month, 2019

Thinking of leaving us?

If you no longer wish to receive this or want to withdraw consent, you can unsubscribe quickly and easily by:

  1. Clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on the newsletter
  2. Contacting us by phone on 01382 200422
  3. Contacting us by email at [email protected]