Letters and emails are going out to hundreds of older people telling them about community sessions where they can find out more information about Pension Credit and urging them to attend the sessions or call Dundee City Council Advice Services (see below) – please be assured if you are in receipt of an email or letter about this that it is not a scam.
Pension Credit is a payment for those whose income is less than the UK Government states someone over Pension age should receive.
Entitlement to Pension Credit depends on a person’s circumstances and looks at all income in the household as well as savings over a certain amount. Whilst savings are considered there is no upper threshold, so having savings does not necessarily mean there would be no entitlement. Pension Credit also gives eligibility to free NHS dental treatment, NHS glasses, free TV License for over 75s, amongst other benefits.
The drop-in sessions have been arranged at various venues throughout the city where people who think they are eligible can speak to a benefits advisor face to face.
Dundee Citizens Advice Bureau in conjunction with Dundee City Council Advice Services are launching this Pension Credit Take up Campaign to maximise the income of as many citizens of Dundee as possible over state pension age.
Times and Dates of each session:
- Monday 26 February 2024 from 12pm to 4pm at Ardler Community Centre Turnberry Avenue Dundee
- Monday 26 February 2024 from 10am to 2pm at Brooksbank Centre Pitarlie Road Dundee
- Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 12pm to 4pm at Menzieshill Community Centre 260 Dickson Avenue Dundee.
- Friday 1 March 2024 10am to 2pm at Citizens Advice Bureau Wellgate Centre Dundee
- Monday 4 March 2024 10am to 2pm at Brooksbank Centre Pitarlie Road Dundee.
Anyone coming along should bring information that we need so that we can do your Pension Credit check. This will be the amount of savings you and your partner have in banks and building societies etc. and the income details for all adults living in the property. To ensure we provide accurate information; it would be helpful if you could bring an up-to-date bank statement as well as any statements from other accounts.
If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, we can undertake an income maximisation check over the phone. If you prefer this or have difficulty getting to one of the venues above, then please call Dundee 01382 434473/434474 and one of the staff will take your name, address, and contact telephone number and get one of our advisors to call you back.
You can also email your name address and contact telephone number to [email protected] and one of the advisors will call you back.
If you have any queries, please contact Dundee City Council Advice Services on 01382 431188 option 2.