Jun 25

Launch of the Manifesto for Unpaid Carers in Scotland

The National Carer Organisations (NCOs) have released their 2024 General Election Manifesto, advocating for Scotland’s 800,000 unpaid carers.

With Scotland’s unpaid carers contributing an estimated £13.1 billion annually in unpaid care, this Manifesto emphasises the need for increased support and recognition and calls on the next UK Government to take specific actions:

  • Increase funding for social care to ensure sustainability and quality local care services
  • Commit to increasing the Carer Premium and Carer Element in Universal Credit
  • Provide additional financial support to unpaid carers of State Pension age
  • Change the social security system to better support carers to remain in work
  • Build on the Carer’s Leave Act and implement paid carers leave
  • Amend the Equalities Act 2010 to include caring as the 10th protected characteristic

Click here to find out more and read the manifesto in full