Central Library, Dundee has launched the Creative Centre that is a space where adults are encouraged to get in touch with their creative side. Creative Central has opportunities for self-led creative activities, social crafting groups, classes and workshops including sewing, creative writing and 3D printing.
This is all complemented by our extensive collection of art books to inspire you through viewing other people’s creative works and craft books to support you to develop your own creativity.
Our musical instrument library which is run in partnership with Make Music Tayside is now also located in Creative Central. We have selection of instruments which are available for individuals to borrow free of charge. We hope that Creative Central provide a relaxed environment where individuals and groups can take a moment to enjoy all that creativity has to offer.
Volunteer roles are available for anyone who would like to support our programme of creative activities. For more information please contact Creative Central.
Creative Central also houses a large collection of books on:
- Art & Design
- Architecture & Building
- Make & Create
- Science, Technology & Engineering
- Photography
- Business & Management
- Law & Economics
- Social Sciences
- Transport