Oct 9

Have your say: NHS mental health services and support in Scotland survey

The Scottish Government has commissioned The Lines Between to carry out a study which aims to develop and assess a suite of options for the development of a survey that will capture people’s experiences of using NHS mental health services and support in Scotland.

The Scottish Government are currently running an online questionnaire as part of this study and would like to invite anyone with an interest in this area to participate, which will help to inform what a future survey should cover and how it should be run.

The questionnaire will take about 20 minutes to complete and can be accessed by clicking on the link below. When you first access the questionnaire there is further information about the study and how information provided will be used.

Find out more and complete the survey here this link will take you away from The Alliance website.

If you have any questions, or wish to provide any information over and above what the survey asks please get in touch with me or Derek Ewens at The Lines Between ([email protected] )