Dundee City Council Budget 23/25 Consultation logo

Oct 18

Dundee City Council Budget 2023/24 Consultation

Dundonians will have a chance to share their views on the city council’s spending priorities before the budget is set early next year.

This year’s consultation comes amid the cost of living crisis, continuing pressures on local council budgets, increasing demands on some key services and growing expectations.

Depending on funding settlements, the council expects to have to save up to £45m in the next four years, with the latest financial projections suggesting that savings in the region of £16m will be needed in the next financial year (2023/24).

The council has already adopted a 13-point medium-term financial strategy which includes:

  • savings and efficiencies to be driven by transformation and service prioritisation
  • resources being prioritised to improve outcomes;
  • demand and demographic change will be managed through prioritisation within services;
  • Joint bodies and boards will bear their share of any General Revenue Grant reduction; and
  • fees, charges and Council Tax will increase by at least 3% annually.

Dundee City Council’s budget consultation launches today (Monday 10 October) and can be found at https://bit.ly/BudgetConsultation23-24(link is external)

It will be open until November 20.