Green blue background. On top is pile of multicolour post-its stacked untidily. On the top post-it sheet a large question mark has been drawn on it in black marker.

Jul 22

Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership Consultation

The ADP is now developing a new strategic plan which will cover a 5-year period. This will consider the recommendations from the update report from Dundee Drug Commission, national policy (this is what the Scottish Government asks all ADPs across Scotland to include in their plans) and importantly the views of local communities and people with lived experience in Dundee.

The ADP will use the plan to decide where funding will be spent and to regularly check that progress is being made. They will also make it available to the public so that anyone who wishes to do so can share their thoughts and ideas about what they are doing.

During July and August they will be asking as many people as they can, including local communities, those with lived experience of drug and alcohol use challenges and the workforce, to help decide what is included in the strategic plan.

Once they have gathered all feedback, they will produce a draft strategic plan which they will send out as widely as possible so that people have a chance to look and provide further feedback before the final version is published.

If you would like to tells us your views please complete the survey before the 31 August 2022

Click here to complete the survey.