Wellbeing Resources

A collection of information and resources to support different aspects of your wellbeing on the following topics:


Dundee Carers Centre Counselling Service

Dundee Carers Centre offers a counselling service for carers providing a safe space set apart from everyday life to talk things through with someone who is removed from the issues.

To find out more click here

Community Listening Service

The Community Listening Service provides 50-minute appointments with fully trained listeners on the phone or within your GP practice.

The service is available to anyone registered with a Tayside GP practice. Email [email protected], call 01382 423 116, or text 0796 777 1941 to make an appointment or find out more.

Both staff-initiated and self-referrals are welcome.

To find out more go to the Community Listening Service webpage

Beating the Blues Website

A computer-based self-help programme using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), that consists of 8 weekly sessions.

The service is accessible through the use of a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile telephone with an internet connection.

Please speak to your doctor or medical provider who will be able to make a referral on your behalf.

For more information go to Beating the Blues Website

Living Life Website

Living Life is a free phone service offering therapy for anyone in Scotland over 16 years of age with low mood, mild to moderate depression, or anxiety.

To find out more go to Living Life Website

Side by Side Website

Side by Side is an online community where you can listen, share, and be heard.
It is created and moderated by Mind and can be accessed 24/7

To explore go to Side by Side Website

Child Bereavement UK

Webinars to support children, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies, but some of their topics are applicable to any grief situation.

Click here to explore their webinars.
Some sessions come with a cost – contact Dundee Carers Centre if finances are an issue as funding may be sourced to cover the costs.


If you need to speak to someone immediately, there are a number of helplines available.

For young people

Papyrus.co.uk If you are under the age of 35 and having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice.

Childline.org.uk 24/7 crisis line for children up to 18

Themix.org.uk website for 13 to 25 years. Phone helpline available 4-11pm, crisis text message service available 24/7

…for adults

Breathingspace.scot.uk phone support for over 16s 6pm to 2am, weekdays and 24 hours at the weekend

Samaritans.org 24/7 phone service or email contact within 24 hours


NHS Inform

NHS Inform has practical information on healthy eating as well as information on specific diets.

Learn more about Food & Nutrition

Take our Nutrition Food & Mood E-Module Course!

An introductory e-learning module for carers exploring how nutrition can influence your mood and mental as well as physical health.

To find out more click here


NHS Inform

NHS Inform has lots of resources to help you find the exercise that is right for you.

Learn more about Keeping Active

British Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation has a webpage with a list of 11 free apps to get you out walking.

Click to explore

Dundee Cycle Map

If you prefer cycling explore the Dunde Cycle map that outlines safe cycle routes around Dundee.

Click to explore

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Many carers have trouble getting enough sleep. These resources provide tips on how to get a good night’s rest.

NHS Sleep and Tiredness

Moodjuice – Sleep problems

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NHS Approved Apps

There are many different apps available that can help you to relax or support your mental health.

NHS has a webpage that lists a number of approved apps that can help support your wellbeing.

Explore more

NHS Mindfulness and Meditation

NHS has created a webpage exploring what Mindfulness is and tips, quizzes and tricks to incorporate mindfulness & meditation within everyday busy lives.

Find out more click here

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Staying Connected

Community Cafes

Connecting Carers Café

Connecting Carers Cafe will be restarting soon, offering a chance for carers to meet other carers and support staff.

For more information please contact the centre on 01382 200422 or email [email protected]

Alzheimers Scotland Dundee – D Cafe

Dementia Cafe has reopened at the Resource Centre in Stobswell, Dundee on a Monday 10.30am – 12.00 noon.
The cafés aim is to support people with dementia, along with carers who currently support at home, in a care home or hospital.
Places must be booked in advance as we are restarting with smaller numbers and currently it is not a drop-in café.
To find out more about what’s on offer or book spaces, please contact Jeni Sinclair – Dementia Advisor on [email protected]  or phone 07917 241024

Virtual Cuppas

As many carers find it difficult to leave the home at certain times there are a number of online events offering a “Virtual Cuppa” to carers – allowing them to connect with other carers and support staff.

Carers UK Virtual Cuppa

Carers UK understands that as a carer it’s important to take a little break and spend some time talking to people who understand what you’re going through.

That’s why they are organising a weekly online Care for a Cuppa through Zoom.

To find out more click here

Mobilise Online Virtual Cuppa

Mobilise Online is a UK-wide, carer-led organisation.

They run several ‘virtual cuppas’ a week via zoom which is a space to share stories, tips, tears, and laughs with other carers.

They also have a podcast, email newsletter and provide some 1 to 1 support.

Find out more

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