Carers Partnership

The Carers Partnership leads on innovation and improvement through strategic planning, development and provision of services and supports for carers of all ages.
The group has a vision and outcomes plan and considers barriers to achieving these and any strategic matters arising which affect carers personal outcomes.

The Carers Partnership reports to Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership Integrated Strategic Planning Group, which reports to the Integration Joint Board.
Working in partnership with carers is seen as central to ensuring that there is a consistent focus on outcomes and all developments are co-produced and co-designed with carers and stakeholder.

The Carers Partnership is a multi-agency group and  includes members from a range of statutory and third sector organisations, as well as carers and representatives of carer and young carers.


Dundee Carers Partnership Covid-19 Engagement Findings

– Key Findings

– Next Steps

– Read the report

Dundee Carers Partnership Covid-19 Engagement Findings

A report outlining the findings and recommendations from the Dundee Carers Partnership Covid-19 engagement work has now been published.

From late September to mid-November 2020, the Dundee Carers Partnership have worked together to undertake engagement with carers and the workforce supporting carers to better understand the impact of COVID-19.

The final report presents the findings from the feedback gathered from the local engagement and contains a series of recommendations to ensure outcomes are met for carers in the City.

Who we heard from

The consultation involved engagement with carers, young carers and the wider workforce supporting carers

  • Online local survey for carers – 116 unpaid carers completed our online survey
  • Online survey for local workforce – 37 individuals completed our workforce survey
  • Carer Focus Groups – 41 carers participated in focus group discussions
Dundee Carers Partnership FIndings report logo

Key Findings

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic

  • The majority (84%) of carers reported an increase in the amount of care provide.
  • 84% reported that there had been a negative impact on their physical, mental and social wellbeing and a high number (82%) reported that they were feeling more worried and anxious about the future.
  • 67% reported financial impacts as a result of higher household expenses.
  • 63% found it difficult to balance commitments including work/study/education and school commitments.
  • 60% reported that they had felt isolated in their caring role and had limited social contact (often due to the impact of Covid-19 restrictions and shielding).
  • 48% had not been able to access support and services to help them in their caring role and day-to-day life.
  • 56% they felt proud of being a carer and that it gives them a sense of satisfaction.
  • 72% reported that they had support networks in place and people they can rely on if they needed it.
  • 66% were able to use technology to access online information/engagement activities
  • 33% were able make a positive contribution to others, via voluntary work, helping neighbours, gardening, shopping etc.

Next Steps

The Dundee Carers Partnership have started preparation work to implement improvements based on the findings and have established 7 workstreams to develop proposals with carers and stakeholders to address the series of recommendations

The Dundee Carers Partnership value the contribution of all those who were involved and provided feedback in the engagement and the overall contribution made to the development of the final report document. The Dundee Carers Partnership are committed to continuing to work collaboratively with carers and stakeholders to implement the recommendations from this work to enable service improvements locally for carers and their families.

Read the full report here

If you would like to read the report plus full recommendations please click here.

Carer Partnership Performance Report

During late 2019 and early 2020 the Carers Partnership completed a review of ‘A Caring Dundee’ Strategic Plan reviewing progress in achieving the actions and priorities for supporting carers in Dundee outlined in the local Carers Strategy. This work included the production of a Carers Partnership Performance Report 2017-2019.

The Performance Report sets out the achievements and progress towards realising the ambitions of the local carers strategy, ‘A Caring Dundee, 2017-2020.’ The vision of the current carers strategy, identified that we should attain ‘A Caring Dundee in which all carers feel listened to, valued and supported so that they feel well and are able to have a life alongside caring.’

The Performance Report highlights the work of the Dundee Carers Partnership, as well as a much wider network of agencies who have worked alongside carers, young carers and communities to realise the ambitions of the strategy.

The report tells people about:

  • Working with local communities
  • How short breaks for carers have been developed further
  • The stronger involvement with carers in the design and delivery of services
  • How the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 has been delivered in Dundee.

A short summary version of the Performance Report has also been published.