Members of the public are invited to have their say on Dundee City Council’s budget for 2025/26.
The survey lets individuals and organisations provide feedback on spending priorities and the level of Council Tax for the year ahead.
For the first time, participants can also express their opinions on a range of specific options put forward by officers in response to the Council’s potential budget gap.
The detail of the Council’s funding for 2025/26 is not known at the time of launching the consultation. However, it is predicted that further savings of over £15million could be needed next year – equivalent to a 29% increase in Council Tax.
The Council will have a clearer indication of any gap in December when next year’s funding settlement is known and details of this will be made public in January in a report to elected members that sets out the implications of the settlement on the Council’s 2025/26 Budget.
This is the first time that detailed savings options have been part of the annual budget consultation. Officers and elected members are keen to understand the impact that each of them would have.
This is particularly the case for those who have characteristics protected by law: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
However, everyone who lives and works in Dundee is encouraged to share their thoughts before the consultation closes on December 29.
Participants can respond to as many or as few of the specific options as they wish.
To find out more and have your say, please visit This online survey. A Frequently Asked Questions page is also available.