Jan 28

Breathing Space Day 2024 – NHS 24

Breathing Space day is celebrated every year on the 1st of February to promote the invaluable work of
NHS 24’s Breathing Space service. Helping those experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression,
anyone aged 16 and over in Scotland can contact Breathing Space for a free and confidential chat on
the phone or on web chat.

The theme for Breathing Space Day this year is ‘learn to listen’ which encourages everyone to practice
their active listening skills to encourage those around them to open up about their mental health.

Tony McLaren National Coordinator for Breathing Space said, “During 2024, our skilled Breathing Space
colleagues provided a lifeline to those needing support by responding to over 180,000 calls and 8,000
webchats. As listening is the heart of Breathing Space’s service, this Breathing Space Day we are
promoting the transformative impact that listening—and truly hearing someone—can have on mental

Find out more about Breathing Space’s ‘learn to listen’ tips by visiting breathingspace.scot or following
NHS 24 on social media.